Home Apts CO EPA Grant to Clean Up Site Slated for Sustainable CO Apartments

EPA Grant to Clean Up Site Slated for Sustainable CO Apartments

by Daniel E. Fava
apts colorado: earth mover

apts colorado: earth moverAs a follow up to my article on CO apartments I found this and wanted to link to it.

The EPA announced a grant to Colorado in the amount of $189,000, to help clean up a former industrial site and build sustainable CO apartments. Approximately 4200 cubic yards of pertoleum coated dirt will have to be removed from the site before construction can begin.

“The thouough clean-up of  contaminated soil is a critical step towards revitalization of this property,” said EPA’s Denver coordinator, Dan Heffernan. “This grant will set the stage for a redevelopment project that will create sustainable housing and support temporary and permanent jobs in the area.”

The area chosen is a focal point for urban renewal because it is in close proximity to the light rail making it more convenient for residents to get around according to the folks at https://yosemite.epa.gov/opa/admpress.nsf/0/f3f2bfb9de76c144852578a700727396?OpenDocument .

Once clean-up is complete, construction on the 176 unit CO apartment complex will begin.

How about you? Any luck finding CO apartments ? Comment below.

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[Image credit: terinea]


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